Thursday, July 14, 2011


Amidst all the wedding shenaniganry, I also had a little something else going on... Graduation!!! It was so surreal that PT school was actually drawing to a close and it was finally here! I took a Board exam prep course the weekend before graduation. It was a wake up call to how much I really needed to hit the books! It was also a really great reason to get together with my classmates again and catch up and have fun! Oh, Doublesticks, how I missed you! My table-mates, Lucy and Kurt, had just gotten engaged a few days before, so it was extra exciting to share in that time with them. (SO excited for you guys, btw!!! <3)

At our hooding ceremony the night before graduation, my dad was able to perform my hooding. It meant so much more to me that I could share that with my dad. Definitely a very special moment that I will cherish forever.

And then there it was. Graduation day. As magnificent as I had always imagined it. I walked in that building (same one I graduated from high school) a lowly grad student and emerged a victorious Doctor of Physical Therapy. We were all running around in awe that it was finally here. Seriously, it was one of my most proud moments of my life. I did it. I beat MCG. I successfully completed their DPT program and became a better person for it. All that work, those late nights, tears, Zaxby's and Sonic runs, actually sleeping at school had finally payed off.

After graduation, it was back to wedding world for me! :)

~*Dr.Mrs. Q*~

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