I'm on the plane now on my way back home after spending a few days with my sister in NYC. She just finished her Master's degree in teaching so of course there was lots of celebrating to do! I stayed with her in her apartment. It didn't seem that small, but thinking about it, her entire apartment (2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen and living room area) could probably fit into my kitchen and dining room. Btw, Gisela's apartment is above a nail salon and a wine shop. If you know her, you know how fitting that is. Haha.
This was my third trip to the Big Apple, so I wasn't terribly concerned with doing a ton of touristy things. I really wanted to get a feel for what her life is like there- why she loves it there so much. Of course there were a few tourist excursions! :)
I love snow. I love watching it, playing in it, walking through it to hear the crunching sound, etc. It's probably due to my having lived in very warm climates all my life so it's definitely still a novelty to me. On my first night there it snowed, so off to Central Park we went the next day! We did something we've both wanted to do for many many years: made snow angels in Central Park!

Our parents came up a day after I did. We spent another day playing in the snow, did some shopping, and watched a show with them. We watched Chicago... It was great! There was a good handful of Latin performers in the show, which was pretty cool for us. There were even quite a few moments where Spalnglish was incorporated into the dialogue.

Other highlights of the trip include having sushi delivered to the apartment, amazing cannolis around the corner from her apartment, brunch at the Washington Square Diner, walking around NYU, and being with my sister the moment all her grades were cleared and she officially became Master Sela. We had so much fun, but I am glad to be back home!

This last pic is of my mom pegging me with a snowball. She fights dirty. ;)
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Fun!! Congrats to Gisela! We went to see Chicago too in NYC.. at that time Huey Lewis was in the cast